- GOD IS GOOD. Amen? Amen! My little mama had a bit of a crash yesterday due to the icy roads in NC. Well, let us sing his praise because his strong arms (and my papaws, who is our sweet angel) kept her safe. I cannot tell y'all how much of a knot my stomach has been in, but my heart is feeling better today and I am so grateful for how great our God is.
- ...on a completely different note. I spilt apple juice on my laptop keyboard a few months ago, and it is so super annoying that the keys are stillll sticky. I should really get that fixed.
- My new year plans for 2012 are going pretty well! Hey, I'm taking lots of pictures! Are you joining up with the link-up tomorrow?? Join! Even if you just have one picture! Read more about it here!
- Anyone watch the Bachelor on Monday night? Those girls were CRAZY! Blew my mind. Come on, producers! I loved Nicki and Kenzie though. We will see how this season turns out!!
- ...speaking of guilty pleasures...I am so very happy PLL is back! Anyone else?
- I'm going to be 23 in exactly one week. WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE? I feel old...but I always love birthdays :)
- I am starving right now! Guess what's on the menu for tonight? Grilled chicken and veggies...that should fill me right up! HA! Oh the eating healthy thing has begun :) it will be sooo yummy, but I know it won't be filling this big ol' tummy.
- Does anybody else use Fitness Pal on their iPhone? It helps you keep up with your calories. It great for accountability...I'm just not great at keying in everything. Gotta get better!
- Did I mention how annoying these keys are?
- See you tomorrow for the link up :) xoxo
Happy Wednesday! My mind is going in 100 different directions, so why not let it just go 101 with this post :)