Warning: I'm about to be a big sap...
When looking for "the one" in high school, I feel our "list" of desires and needs is a bit skewed. I'm not putting down high-school love, but as we grow up we tend to dig through and find those mature necessities in the one we love, that we know we will need for the rest of our lives.
I could sit here and type about why I love Charlie all night...but tonight, I want to be sure to document and remember why the past 3 months have brought a new item to the "list".
Team work.
It has quickly turned in to one of the things I cherish most about our relationship.
The respect I have for him is undescribable. The effort he puts forth for me, and for us, is irreplaceable.
This team that we are on might just be 2 people. But we are a team of unconditional love...and there's nothing in this world that can beat that.
He makes me laugh when I have had a crappy day, he leaves work early to get home before me so he can empty the dishwasher (my least favorite chore in the world), he does anything and everything in this world on nights when I have a headache so bad that it puts me out of commission, he fixes my water for me every night before I go to bed, he leaves notes around the apartment for me, and he knows how to make me feel like the most important person in the world.
Maybe these are minor things in life, but for me they are the things that make us a team. He doesn't like emptying the dishwasher anymore than I do, and when I've had a crappy day I'm not a fun person to try to get out of a funk...but he does it. He's not only my boyfriend, but has turned in to my best friend and the best better half I could ever ask for.
We make a pretty perfect team, and as we continue to grow up and mature...I know the team work will morph with the many phases of life. Knowing you have a best friend and someone who will help you when you're down (even if they are down too) is a feeling not everyone can give you. Plus, I'm the most imperfect person in the world...but that boy loves every imperfection there is, and only God knows how. Trust me, there are days when my imperfections get the best of him and his patience...but isn't that the best part of love? It's unconditional.
I found this quote on pinterest the other day, and just had a true moment of gratitude. I know I have this...and for that I am forever grateful.
God bless this boy...and thank you God for letting me do this thing called life with him.
I couldn't make the whole post sappy :)
What's important to you in your relationship?
What's something you look for in a guy?
What's important to you in your relationship?
What's something you look for in a guy?