Christmas Magic

    One of my all time favorite Christmas movies??? Polar Express. 
    Why? Because I love the importance they put on 'believing' this time of year.

    It doesn't have to be believing in Santa per say, even though as a 22 year old I don't mind still believing in the magic of Christmas ;) But it's believing in anything at all, that makes this season so special. 

    The start of this Christmas season has been a new feeling for me. I've loved every day of December, but just something...that little spark of Christmas...has been missing. Well, this morning I feel it building up inside of me, why?? Because we are going home!!! 

    It's amazing how you get older and all of a sudden all of the magic of Christmas really does start to focus around family. I cannot wait to get the car packed up and for Charlie and I to head on home towards our loved ones. 

    I know as soon as I reach them, that Christmas will be alive and well in every way imaginable and I cannot wait. 

    What makes Christmas special for you?? Is it changing every year? 

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