Too nice out to be inside

    yes.... I am officially wasting a beautiful day inside working on photos and a new website. This is an all time low. But, lots of movies and cold pizza will get me through this. We had a good time out last night, I hardly ever get out any more since I've moved here. Being poor sucks, I grew accustomed to that lifestyle of making money and spending money, now, taking both of those things out of the equation, life is a little different, but for the better, gotta grow up sometime.

Incredible Concert Photography

    These guys are a must.

The First One

    Its a Saturday morning and I've been editing photos since 8.... I think I might have crossed the line into being a true dork. Not really in a bad way but in a way I didn't see happening for a long time, but the good news is I think i have a few good pics in the mix.

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